As a recent college graduate or young professional, personal development and career readiness are usually a top priority during early adulthood. With that comes the task of finding a job in your field of study and interest. It is essential to give yourself time to get acclimated to your new work environment so you can easily begin making connections and finding common ground with your new peers. Making a great first impression is something that can help build your confidence in the workplace. These times can be stressful for some, and it’s imperative to take additional time for yourself. Reading a good book, exercising or taking a trip are all healthy ways to distress.

As an employee who is new to this whole “real world” thing, you may be nervous to ask your manager for time off of work or slightly concerned that your entry-level salary won’t accommodate your trip plans. The great news is that there are plenty of ways you can travel and work full time off of a lower budget, and it all comes down to your money management skills and eagerness to increase your financial literacy.

Outline a Budgeting Strategy

Actions speak louder than words, so be sure to write your budget down on pen and paper (or in an excel sheet if you prefer this method.) A financial plan can decrease the tendency of forgetting your set spending limit or budgeting goals. Making categories for each expense, such as a student loan, rent payment, or cell phone bill can give you a clear vision for how much money you’ll have to put towards a luxury purchase. An additional method to consider is the 50/20/30 rule. This means that 50% of your paycheck is spent on necessary costs, 20% is placed into a savings account and 30% can be allocated towards personal purchases, like a haircut, clothing or travel.

Begin a Side Hustle

Taking on a side-job is never a poor decision if you’re looking for a great way to boost your income. It gives you the opportunity to meet new people, try something outside of your comfort zone and make additional cash at the same time. There are so many options available that are easy and flexible, including the use of apps like Rover, Uber or Fiverr. Although having a second job can add additional hours to your work week, you’ll see your hard work pay off when you have more money to save towards a vacation.

Be Creative With How You Save Money

Saving money is always harder than it seems, especially when it comes to allocating funds towards the process of planning a trip. When you’re ready to make reservations, transportation accommodations or activities in the area you’ll be exploring, utilize traditional and unique ways of saving your money. Looking into your monthly subscriptions is a great way to verify their use, along with consistently analyzing your bank statements. While spending time in a new place, it’s important to communicate with your bank about your travel plans in order to properly use your debit and credit cards. If you’re someone who is tech-savvy, consider a no fee spending account to avoid foreign transaction fees if you’re traveling outside of the country.

Take Advantage Career Beneficial Trips

With professional development being at the top of employees lists to compete in the workforce, individuals are always looking for additives to include on their resume. Depending on your career of choice, conferences and networking events take place in locations all over the world. You can learn new business trends, meet other people within your industry and immerse yourself in the culture of a new place by doing this. Because this type of travel is both personal and professional, discuss it with your coworkers. You never know— they may want to go with you and split the costs.

Remember— Traveling Should Never Be a Plan for “Someday”

Traveling requires a lot of planning, time and money— but what people often forget is how much of wanting to travel should be prioritized. If you have a goal to travel more, whether it’s a small staycation, a road trip with a group of friends, or visiting a country other than your own, the higher it is on your list of things to do, the more likely you’ll follow through with a plan no matter how much you make.